Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Classy people read my blog

This might creep you out, but I don't even give a care.

After I started my blog up, I registered with Google Analytics so I could see how many people were coming to my blog, where they were coming from, how long they were staying, etc. Don't worry, I can't find any information about you specifically unless I know you're in some random place like Croatia on December 12 and I see that I had three hits from Croatia that day. I would know that it was probably you, but it doesn't tell me your name or anything like that so don't be so paranoid and vain, as if I would try to track you.

Aaaaaaaanyways. One of the things I can check on is what things people search for on Google that leads them to my blog. The following are a few of my favorite keywords that people have searched for and ended up at my blog:

--"that bird is not my doppelganger"
--"beard growth fill in" - this person actually spent 9 minutes on my blog
--"fisherman beard" - there were numerous beard searches which leads me to believe that I'm not the only one self-conscious about my lack of manly facial hair
--my favorite beard-related query: "how to shave so that it grows more and tough"
--"bicep is twitching"
--I would like to meet the person who searched for this, I'm sure he's . . . awesome: "pictures of awesome jet planes doing awesome things" - he only spent 30 seconds on the site so I guess the Swiss jets weren't awesome enough or doing awesome enough things
--"where do most jamaicans live in brooklyn?"
--"it's my last chance to say something to save my marriage" - fortunately this guy/girl didn't stay on my site for very long

And finally:

--"dirty swiss lady gallery" - proof that there are lots of pervos on the internet; this guy searched my site for dirty Swiss ladies for 8 minutes before moving on

Yes, classy people read my blog. People who are interested in an eclectic mix of topics ranging from SNL skits to how to be a more manly man to where to find weird niche pornography. Thanks for reading y'all.


ashleigh said...

Well, you have an interesting blog to read. Glad to know you are tracking us. :) Ran into Sarah G at church last Sunday and she had a good idea--we should all hang out sometime.

m.b. said...

Haha - love this. Enjoy your blog.

The crowd that's been coming to my blog, lately, have all been coming from a Sneeze Fettish forum. Not sure what to think about that yet...