Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Iraq

Well, right now I'm sitting at my laptop in an office at L'Abri. For my work period today, I'm starting work on designing a book cover for this guy that lives down the road from L'Abri. He's an American who moved here about five years ago I think, and he's sort of involved with L'Abri. I think all he really does is write books. I don't know that much about him. But word got to him that I was a Media Arts major and he asked if I would try to design some book covers for him. So I'm about to start that.

But right now my computer is updating itself and that takes awhile. So, I went to YouTube and I found the most amazing video that any of you has ever seen. This video is a testament to the education system in South Carolina. I am almost speechless at how ridiculous this video is. For some background info, this is the Miss South Carolina contestant at the Miss Teen USA competition.



Anonymous said...

Chris Martin,

I think your complaints with the South Carolina Public Education System is not justified by this clip. In reality, the contestant in this video comes from one of the best school districts in the state, one that is well above the national average (standardized test scores wise). South Carolina is a rural state with many struggling schools, but they are also home to some of the best. Popular opinion and average statistical generalizations don't reveal that, but anyone who takes a minute to look at the numbers can quickly come to that realization.

I think your beef should be directed towards the beauty pageants in general, in that the worth and abilities of this young and underage girl are determined in that environment and by those standards. I say this because yes, she did totally blow her little question, but she easily redeemed herself on national TV (The Today Show) the next day, showing that she wasn't an absolute idiot and was most likely overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, as she said she was.

South Carolina is not as bad as you want it to be.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me, my Oregon education is showing...

I think your complaints with the South Carolina Public Education ARE not justified...

Phew, someone might think I was from South Carolina with that grammar.

Reggie Smith said...

Dear anonymous,

I'm not sure if you'll ever read this blog again so maybe you'll never get to see this response.

Well, I'm from South Carolina so when I made that statement ("This video is a testament to the education system in South Carolina") I wasn't referring to any popular opinions or statistical generalizations, but to my own opinion having come out of a public school in South Carolina and having worked--albeit for a very short time--in a public school in South Carolina. Nevertheless, you're right that this video doesn't constitute a "testament to the education system in South Carolina," but I don't think that, within the context of this blog as a whole, anyone should take that post as social commentary. It's simply me writing whatever comes to my mind, taking myself seriously only half of the time.

Also, I didn't make any value judgments about the girl herself. I only posted a video and made a comment about the education system because I didn't actually think that people outside of my family and friends (who would understand my context when making that comment) read this blog.

I'm sorry I offended your hippie Oregon sensibilities.

Yours truly,

Chris Martin

Reggie Smith said...

PS- Is it really a good thing that the girl comes from one of the best school districts in my state?

PPS- I don't want South Carolina to be bad.

Patrick said...


Three things, listed in reverse alphabetical order by first word.

1. My birthday is six months from yesterday. My real birthday, none of that Feb 28th crap.

2. I'm jealous because I never got hate/disapproval mail on my blog.

3. Hope you had a great day off from studying today.

Patrick said...



Anonymous said...

Reggie Smith, I be saying that!!!!!