Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back in America

Well, I made it back to America. It was a rough trip from Huemoz to Geneva to Newark to Charlotte to Columbia, but I'm doing alright. Should I tell you about my travel back home first? I guess I will.

I left Huemoz and L'Abri on Tuesday night. Everyone gathered around and said goodbye as the bus pulled up to take me down the mountain. It was sad. Very sad. I left L'Abri and headed down to Aigle to catch the last train that would get me to the Geneva Airport before they locked to doors for the night. As soon as I got down to Aigle, however, I realized that I had left my cellphone at L'Abri. Big time bummer, but I called back up there and told them to mail it to me the next day. So, hopefully I'll be back in communication with all of my American friends in the next week or so.
Anyway, I got the train to Geneva Airport without at problem and promptly found my way to a payphone to call L'Abri again. I was lonely and there was literally no one around me in the airport for the longest time. I called L'Abri and talked to Katie and Tara for awhile. It was nice. I was going to talk to Peter, but something happened to the connection and the phone hung up. Peter, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I didn't call back. It's not you. It's me.
After the phone call, I read for a little bit and started to fall asleep in the chairs near the payphones. I did, in fact, find the blue couch that everyone told me to look for, but it was in such a lonely spot that I just didn't feel like sleeping there. I was woken up by the sound of computer speakers after about 20 minutes of sleeping, and when I looked around I saw two girls watching what I thought was Spiderman 3 on their computer. Of course, I had to see if that's really what it was so I walked over and said "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you but are you watching Spiderman 3?" Although they were obviously not America I knew that they spoke English because I heard them talking to each other, but apparently I was talking too fast. They thought I was angry at them for watching their movie too loudly. Once we got it all figured out, I found out that they were not watching Spiderman 3; they were watching 10 Things I Hate About You. The girls were from Brazil and Korea and they went to a hotel management school in Switzerland called Les Roches. They said it's one of the best schools in the world for it, and they seemed to know what they were talking about. Anyway, I watched the rest of the movie with them and then we split up to try to get some sleep around the area we were in. Here's a picture of me trying to sleep on the ground for awhile:After awhile of trying to sleep on the ground, I got up and slept in the seat of an arcade racing game. That lasted until about 4 am when I made my way upstairs to the lonely blue couch. I slept there until 7:30 am and then made my way to my plane. On my way to the plane, I passed a bunch of these very interesting signs that appeared to be guidelines for terrorists and military combatants to follow should they decide to take over the airport.

Very interesting. I really have no idea why they were there. There was another sign that actually said something like(although I didn't get a picture of it, so you'll just have to trust me) "Civilians: The goal is always zero civilian casualties, but this is not always viable."

I got the plane to Geneva and got back to Columbia safely. Last night I just hung out with Alan Davis and watched all the episodes of The Office and Heroes that I had missed. They were all good, but I gotta say, I don't really think I missed anything huge by not watching TV for the last five weeks.

Today I've got to take care of some errands: get my haircut, pay my internet and phone bills, burn the final copy of my grandparents' anniversary DVD. Then at about 12:30 this afternoon I'll head to Florence to meet my parents and go to Delaware for the next four days for my grandparents' 50th anniversary. Should be fun.

To all of my friends at L'Abri: I miss you like the deserts miss the rain. I'll call you guys soon to see how things are going. You should all email me so I have your email addresses and your last names so I can add you on Facebook and have an easy way to stalk you.

PS All of my pictures are on Tara's computer so if you want any of them, you can just grab them from her.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hey buddy welcome home... i'll be in the dominican for the next week,let's connect when you get back!