Saturday, July 7, 2007

Switzerland Pictures!

Finally, here are the pictures from Switzerland. I know that the slideshow isn't as sleek as the Flickr one, but Flickr was just too much work to upload pictures to. Instead, I used Google's free program, Picasa, to sort, label, and upload all of these pictures. It's a great program, and I highly suggest you check it out.

Anyway, here are the pictures. If you'd like a high res version of any of them or if you have any questions or comments, just post a comment on the blog and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Here's how to work the slideshow: first, put your mouse over the slideshow and a little menu will come up from the bottom, click on the little comment bubble to be able to see my captions for the pictures; second, you can either press the play button to play the slideshow or, if the pace of the slideshow is too fast (I can't slow it down) then you can just click through the pictures using the arrows; third, if you'd rather see the pictures without the slideshow, just click on one of the pictures and you'll be taken to the album itself on Picasa's website.

There are about 150 pictures. It's a lot, I know, but I wanted to be thorough. Enjoy!

1 comment:

parrish.ray said...

I have decided that Switzerland looks like eastern Tennesee placed in the Northwest.... but times 2.