Thursday, May 31, 2007


There are people at L'Abri that look like other people. Famous people. Here are two examples:

People say that in these pictures Jeff doesn't really look like Siler from Heroes, but in real life they are mirror images. Jeff is my new roommate. He's from San Luis Obispo, California, but get this: for the last year he has lived, worked, and studied at Camp Lurecrest on Lake Lure, NC. If you'll remember, Camp Lurecrest is where Campus Crusade for Christ at USC goes for their Fall Retreats and Jeff worked the Fall Retreat this last year. I don't think we met that weekend, but it would have been pretty hard for us to not see each other at some point. So, once again I am somehow connected to my roommate. He's a nice guy.

Here's another example of a doppelganger and I think that this time the resemblance is uncanny:

On the left we have Matt Barton from Jacksonville, Florida. And on the right is Mr. Russell Crowe. Does anybody else see this? I'm sure if you're honest you'll say yes.

In other news, today was our free day and I, along with Josh and Thomas (a helper and worker here, respectively), went to this place called Les Bains. I think it means The Baths. It was a big bath/spa complex with a couple huge pools, saunas, Turkish baths, and aromatherapy rooms. It was great. Very relaxing.
Also, my birthday is in just four more days. Soooooo, celebrate. In the last five years I've celebrated my birthday in Conway, Branson (MO), Beirut (Leb), and now Huemoz (Switz). Booyah.


Patrick said...

That bird is not my Doppelgänger.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christopher! At the time that I'm writing this your b'day is a few short hours away! How fantastic it must be to be celebrating your 23rd b'day in Switzerland! Dad, Mom & Whitney send their love.

Anonymous said...

How was the birthday in Branson? Did you get to see any good Branson shows?